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Thursday, 18 July 2002

Bap or Butty? [Lurks]

Slim says it's a bap, Dave says it's a bun. Someone says it's a butty, I think. Which is right and more importantly, who gives a fuck?


  1. It's obviously a chip butty, Slim is just full of shit

  2. #eed.. the only place that can swing between discussing the implications of the RIP act to starting a north/south argument over the correct name to call two bits of bread + chips, without even breaking a sweat

  3. indeed; and its quite clear which is more important.. isn't it?

  4. Its a fucking bap for fucks sake.

  5. If i'm honest.. i hate both terms for it.. 'butty' and 'bap' just sound common as hell.. mainly because its the kind of retarded backwards stuff people used to spout in cumbria, all the time when refering to _any_ form of sandwich.

  6. in fairness though most people north of Watford consider a 'ciabatta' some sort of Italian motorbike

  7. Here comes the southies with their belief that anything thats not hard as rock, foreign and tasteless isn't bread

  8. Here comes the Northies with their complete inability to drive a peice of technology (the Bot).

  9. Ciabatta, my arse

  10. My point exactly; lest we forget its only the last decade that saw the Northern Principalities embrace the concept of fresh fruit and vegetables...

  11. Presumably your idea of vegetables are those polished little GM modified things in celophane wrappers on the shelves of M&S? We have real veg up north, all wrinkly and covered in mud and horse shite. It makes us men, not bottom ticking fairy boys!

  12. Hmm Ciabattas are foreign yes but they're not hard and they've a lot more flavor that white bread that's for sure. Oh and the difference is that we waste the mud and horse shite off our veggies before eating.

  13. EXACTLY! Pink dress wearing, nancy boy prancing, polished nail licking benders the lot of you!

  14. Ah yes, the appreciation of anything not found in a three year old freeze dried meal for one is obviously linked to gaydom; or is it more likely that the average Northerner finds it difficult to accept the now instant access he has to a variety of products normally only heard about on the communal crystal radio set.

  15. Freeze dried? FREEZE DRIED? What odd kind of carrion food is this? We pick our own veg out of our horses shit, we kill our own dogs and cats when the cows have run away. Despite what you might think down south, those M&S ready meals aren't the only way to eat. The entire population of london needs to be pegged down and force fed chips, gravy, black pudding, boddingtons and nookie brown. It's the only way to save us from becoming a country full of mincing advertising execs and interior designers. And its a fucking BAP!

  16. In my opinion: 'bun' = 51% 'bap' = 49%

  17. In Cornwall we call em 'sarnies'

  18. Well that's nice. You're clearly all fucked in the head in cornwall then, because it's a bap.

  19. Before we enter a Gulliver's Travels style war, does it really matter what we call it ? as long as you can eat a bap, butty or sarnie for breakfast, lunch or dinner who cares.

  20. Christ almight it's a roll. 'a roll and chips ta hen' thereyago, unnerstood ra wurld ovah.
