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Monday, 15 November 2004

The night before.. [Slim]

Twas the night before half life and all through the net,
not a peon was bleating the forums were set,
the steam client was loaded in the task trey with care,
in hopes that gordon freeman soon would be there.


  1. That proves one thing, you're no Dave.
    Slim : Poet Llameate

  2. Daves was a joint effort cuntflaps! And if you're full of the fuckin muse, you write summit!

  3. Well, it was a joint effort in that you contributed all the "bum sex" references... erm, fag!

  4. Half-Life 2's pre-loaded,
    Activation's done,
    I'm bored sat here at work,
    Aren't I'm the stupid one,
    I really am quite busy tho,
    With lots of things to do,
    Then again I may just start coughing,
    And pretend I've got the flu.
