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Wednesday, 30 March 2005

In new music we trust [Slim]

I guess music taste is pretty cyclical, so I suppose its usual that popular taste coincides with your own from time to time. But fuck me if there's not a shitload of wonderful music around right now.
Bands that are currently rocking my cock:
Kasabian, Kaiser Cheifs, Hot hot heat, The Kills, The Bravery, Bloc Party, The Subways, just shitloads of really good stuff coming a long.
A fair few have been introduced to me through the Zane Low show on radio1. Love or hate him, he does play some top stuff. Oh and some utter dross :)
Anyone else found some good new shit?

1 comment:

  1. Razorlight - some of their stuff is not bad, and their current single is the catchiest thing I've heard in months "Somewhere Else"
