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Monday, 21 November 2005

Geek Novels [Spiny]

The Guardian as the top 20 geek novels.

Odd that there's no fantasy & I've only read 7 of the 20. Anyone got a full house?


  1. No fantasy apart from the Terry Pratchett novel you mean? Only eight for me, and I'm not sure why Neil Gaiman's American Gods counts as a geek novel.

  2. I've just bought Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson after it was mentioned several times in previous book blogs. I had nowt to read, so went looking thru the old blogs and picked that one as several people had said it was ace. I need a couple of big books for my christmas holidays, so if I like that one the 3 in that series would be perfect.
    Thats a good list, I've read 6 of them. I think the rest of them will go on my 'to read' list :)
    Just read 1984 actually, and tbh I did not think it was 'all that', maybe its just dated but I was disappointed. But Im not a fan of depressing books at all, and depressing that is!
    As Im here, I've tried to read a couple of Iain M Banks books, and never really gotten into them [the player of games for example]. Everyone tells me I will love them, so maybe I will try the one on that list, give him one last shot at the title!

  3. I've read 14 of those 20.
    I don't know wether to feel proud or ashamed :)

  4. Feck, all of them...

  5. 18 out of 20 for me, not read 19 or 20 from that list.

  6. 12 here for me.

  7. HitchHiker's Guide is the only one on that list that I've read...

  8. Four of the list for me. Five if you count American Gods, which I didn't finish because it was boring the socks off me.

  9. Ah well if you count finished books...

  10. Well obviously only if you finished them!
    American Gods did struggle with the finish, but I love the whole Norse Mythos stuff. That alone helped me get through to the end, which was IMO worth it.

  11. I must say I got through all of American Gods with a reasonable amount of boredom and it's pretty odd it's on the same list as many of the rest of these. I think there's a lot of reference for Gaiman due to Sandman et al and that's overdone it. My view; the book simply isn't *great* its merely ok to good.
