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Wednesday 4 January 2006

Do you know who^^^what you are? [Am]

Attention all clanners;
This is a free one hundred question Briggs Myer personality test which then provides you with a personality assessment based on the errr Briggs Myer system. I did this and it scared the crap out of me how close the assessment was.
Test yourself and post yourself up (all will become clear)
We're all more than a bit impressed with this.


  1. ENFJ here.
    very expressed extrovertslightly expressed intuitive personalitymoderately expressed feeling personalityslightly expressed judging personality
    so horseshit basically. Or I lied subconsciously during the pop quiz to make myself windswept and interesting!
    So Dave and Muz are EEDs personality twins, who'd a thunk it?

  2. It's terrifying. It did me pretty good I guess. A good feeling to be reminded that you're just like millions of other fucked up people.
    shedir: It's telling you the truth mate, so time to get with the programme! Up and at 'em tiger!!
    Anyone ever do less fun aptitude tests, like Morrisby etc?

  3. You're not sposed to focus on the headline science bit Shed, you're supposed to read the character assessment; that not you? If so you're the only person who hasn't been significantly spooked by the assessment in which case, you were probably drunk when you answered the questions :)And Beej, play up and play the game, what was your type?

  4. So we're 6 pretty astonished and one Glaswegian. Right, where are the rest of you fuckers or have you got something to hide? /me goes and searches out the "psycho" character type.

  5. ESFJ apparently, whatever that means

  6. Google is your friend Spiro. How accurate is this?

  7. Bah, I'm doing it again just to make sure.
    DAMMIT!! It knows who I am!
    No matter which of the interpretations I read it's pretty much 95% on the money.
    So I submit to their mind-reading powwaz. Fuckers.

  8. INTP here. Lotta obviously lied on his answers.

  9. "/me goes and searches out the "psycho" character type."
    That would be intp or entp... Us :)

  10. Ah you mean iNSANE.

  11. INTP here too, proof that it's horseshit. I'm nothing like Lurks or Lotta. They're fucked in the head and I'm not.

  12. We're certainly much better looking.

  13. Oh god it gets worse. The _rel.html suffix to the stuff as detailed by Beej above on is even more accurate or more particularly accute. Am I just a Bot? Having said that, I think the typelogic analysis is still the best narrative - all types linkable off here;

  14. I come out as an ESTJ.
    I also put God first.
    Clearly its very broken.

  15. Heh this isn't you at all is it dear boy :) ?

  16. lol, the truth hurts dunnit :)

  17. Mine came out INTP, as it did when i did a while back during a work team building day out event.

  18. So I had to revisit the Briggs-Meyers test this week when as part of seminar at University we were discussing profiling and whether there's any one personality that lends to (violent) terrorism.
    Well of course there isn't, but I did happen to notice in this classroom environment that (a) young(er) people have problems with this test, because they don't seem to have the experiences to know what they would do in situation x, and (b) young people really don't like realising they've been pigeonholed (about 10% in the room were anti the test and said it didn't work, yada yada yada, but hey, its just a personality test not a psych profile)
    Incidentally, a friend who I've been getting on really well with turns out to be an ENFP just like me. Sweet! Now back to finding those INFP/ISFP ideal-partners then... ;-)

  19. Before I hit the sack I had a twirl through the sites again and followed a path whereby I ended up in a forum meant to represent my tested type, one I thought I was as a result of the test. INTP. Yet when I read the forums, I thought actually this is somewhat close but it isn't quite me. What people were describing as INTJ was more in tune with me, to be honest I think I swallowed the INTP description more out of a sense of vanity than being completely honest.
    Now when I read the INTJ description I can say, yes, that's me. Now when I read an INTJ forum there's people who sort of think like me without glaring incompatibilities, that I've seen so far anyway. If I don't lose interest I'm tempted to go and look at whatever questions ended up shoving my test results over to INTP.
    The spookiest thing of all? I thought there's only one person in the clan I ever thought has a personality (I was going to say 'thinks like' but I'm not sure that's right) which is like me. Sure enough, the fucker is INTJ as well.

  20. I've been doing these personality tests for twenty years now primarily through work. I thought they were great to start with, but what I've come to realise is their success is based on the fact that for some reason, whatever you come out as you always think is accurate - as Lurks has already started to realise....
    I'm now a lot more sceptical :-)
    DJ Houmous

  21. I've been doing these personality tests for twenty years now primarily through work. I thought they were great to start with, but what I've come to realise is their success is based on the fact that for some reason, whatever you come out as you always think is accurate - as Lurks has already started to realise....
    I'm now a lot more sceptical :-)
    DJ Houmous

  22. Lurks - both Lotts and Slim are INTP so I'm trying to work out whether you are more like Slim or more like Lotts. Now *that* is an interesting equation :) although strangely enough apparently much the same.... can't beat Slim's original comment though; INTP here too, proof that it's horseshit. I'm nothing like Lurks or Lotta. They're fucked in the head and I'm not
    Houmous - I agree it's hardly a litmuss test but on the other hand of the 16 types in Briggs Myer, the types fall in a periodic table sort of arrangement in that another type will be quite correlated to yours. However if you have the time to read the other types away from yours I can say that 90% of the types are quite clearly not, for instance, me. In Lurks case he views himself more INTJ than INTP. However the I-N-T first 3 factors are locked in so it's just a J vs P situation which may suggest some even weighting between the two and / or the usual lack of precision of these analyses.
    Anyhooo Houmous dear boy. Which type are you? I would find that quite instructive :)

  23. INTJ here. I admit to feeling guilty about contradicting some of the seemingly similar questions. Odd. Good test :)

  24. Thing is, i initially thought it HAD to be total bullshit, so not only did i take a fucking shitload of those tests, but i also read through all other types (Am owes me several nights of sleep, die fucker die). And it has to be said, reading through it all just proved it right. INTJ kinda fits me aswell, but i have way too much of the INTP "problems" too get into that category. And if you still doubt it, get a mate (not the loved one, someone you dont lie to frequently, duh) to read the description, and you will get more than a few laughs.
    I think the problem with the whole thing is that some wants to believe they react in a certain way and then answers way wrong. It is hard to remember situations to cover it all.
    Oh, and if you got the INTP result, feel free to do some Aspergers tests, just for fun like ;)

  25. I'm ISTJ apparently! Makes sense I guess though nerd vanity has always attracted me more to the INT* categories. :)

  26. ENFP here.


  27. I used to be an INTP & now I'm an INFJ. I have been trying to be MORE COMPASSIONATE, since I've needed others to be that for me ( I haven't really gotten from others ). Though I must say I've succeeded, I'm more understanding to others experiences & feelings. Though now I'm more judging & less perceiving which I don't like. I hate when people are judgemental toward me. I guess I'll have to work on THAT area now.

    Doing a personality indicator test is cool, though NOT very helpful in business. I mean I should be a writer or councelor, though I've already gotten my BA & I don't want another 4 years getting another degree. I JUST CAN'T AFFORD IT!!! So learning this info when you're in High School is good, then you can base your college curriculum around it; though, learning it at an older time, like myself, hasn't been very helpful.

    Every job wants experience. I don't have any experience in what my personality indicator says I should be doing, so no one will every hire me to do the thing that I'm best "personality wise" at doing. I have 20 years experience doing something else entirely. It's VERY FRUSTRATING!!! I can't afford to do volunteer work or an intership (no pay here either), unless I plan on becoming homeless. So I'm stuck.

    Thanks for allowing me to retake the test.
