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Wednesday, 26 July 2006

mobile blogging ftw! [brit]

So for the longest time now I have used RIM's Blackberry devices for mobile email and PDF access. I have tolerated the limitations of these devices for years, in favour of receiving timely email content via their push technology - but having been using a Blackberry 7100 for the last six months, enough was enough.
So after a week or so researching the space, I have now got myself an XDA Mini 2 S and first impressions are that it seriously rocks.
I've got myself a full keyboard just like the BB devices, albeit one I can actually use and: GPRS, 3G, wifi, bluetooth and IR in terms of connectivity. It runs Windows Mobile and comes with the appropriate versions of Word, Powerpoint and Excel - not forgetting Explorer which is how I am able to write this now.
In short it appears to rock and offers a real alternative to the BB and, here's a thing - it has email push capability which is (if we're honest) BB's core USP.
So, if you're thinking about a mobile internet enabled phone/PDA/media device, I would strongly recommend you take a look.
Mobile blogging FTW!

1 comment:

  1. And mobile crosshatch access:
