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Tuesday 3 August 2004

Doom 3 sucks [slim]

It doesn't really, but it's not Teh Best Game Evah..
Biggest gripe is the lack of anything other than standard fps gameplay. Take away the grahpics, and you're left with find yellow key, open yellow door shooting bad guys on the way. It's very well executed, very slick, very atmospheric, but I've not yet had to do anything outside that model. It's also (as that letter suggested) fucking dark, fucking cramped and filled with very pointless rooms. These rooms are usually decorated with very fancy and clever animated machinery......that does absolutely fuck all other than look good. Very little is interactive, including the people. It's not even got the questy/dialogie stuff that riddick has.
I'm not surprised like, ID are engine makers, and have always made average single player games. It does look fucking amazing, but if these fucking amazing rooms have to be so small, dark, and filled with pointless non-interactive animations, who's going to use it?
Half Life 2, we need you!


  1. Ah, I feared as much. I'm not a fan of dark games really. The original Doom games were amazing as there was nothing else like it, but now the bar has been raised several dozen times, it's going to be a pretty unimaginative recipe. I can only hope it gets better and you're exposed to more, or some decent mods come out for it. Roll on HL2 for sure, that's what I'm waiting for :)

  2. I was a little disappointed when I first fired it up and settled into the first part of the game. I was walking around a research facility, listening to soothing female announcers coming in over the PA system, telling me how I can get free medical treatment, and how wonderful the company was.
    Every now and again I was greeeted by a checkpoint peon or a marine who told me something cryptic about how things were going wrong with the research facility, in a voice just like like the ones at the beginning of halflife.
    Hold on a minute, it is just like the beginning of halflife. bleh!
    But then the demons started popping out at me, in every damn room I go into, my sphincter started getting looser. It all started getting alot harder. I'm finding myself pushing into the back of my chair after each room I clear and my hand is hurting from clenching the mouse, turning on my torch as I enter each room to have a good look around. For all the good it does me. Having the torch on doesn't make the screeching demons any less frightening, cos well... I can't shoot at them with it switched on.
    The story is a bit rubbish. I'm not a great fan of sci-fi at the best of times, but there have been a few things that have made me chuckle, like the audio diary from the health and saftey guy, recounting a horrible accident in which someone loses half their head and the machine get stuck in operation, only for me to walk into the next room to find a guy with half a head trying to operate a machine that is broken. And the guy who's PDA has an email inbox with Spam in it :)
    I can tell from the HUD that I've currently only got about half the weapons, all conventional type stuff. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some demon mashing equipment that's more fit for porpoise. Cos I like Dolphins in my 3D video games.

  3. half life 2's problem is all the hype means it will have to be bloody good, nigh on perfect or else our first impressions will be very similar to these :)

  4. Yeah, 10/10 for execution. Not much for imagination. It's made me jump a few times, but its no where near the jump-back-from-the-monitor-having-filled-pants experience that AvP1 was.
    (This post was brought to you entireley free of HTML markup in aid of the Lurker Sanity Foundation)

  5. The main problem with d3 is that the system requirements are way too high. even after maxing out my pc with 2 gb of ram and a 256mb card(radeon). I'm still treated with massive frame hits when dealing with 2 or more enemies at the same time or walking through a door. No one wants to play this game knowing their graphics settings are low or that some neat graphical element is missing. Doom 3 is a great game and it has done a grat job of making me nearly soil my pants. But I think ID may have pushed a bit to far into the future because no one I know is enjoying the game the way id wants them to. So sad because even at 3.0 ghz 2 gb ram and a radeon 9800 256mb card, Im still not liking life.
    Still a good game.

  6. I know a couple of people who are running the game quite happily on machines less than minimum spec for CPU, YMMV I guess. Maybe you expect too much from it, try turning the detail down

  7. It started off feeling very much like AvP reinvented inside an amazing tech demo engine - but DOOM3 has grown on me, and now that I'm much further into it, I'm immersed in an [EED]Amnesia sort of way.
    I find the weapons lacking in blast factor, all a touch wimpy. The shotgun appears to do damage, yet it doesn't even hold a candle to the original trusty shotty. There's something wrong with the Plasma Gun too - has it been redesigned by a woman working at UAC? Love the Beavertooth however, and chewing up zombie fatties is as much fun as sawing up the pinko demons was.
    From the very intro, playing DOOM3 isn't unlike playing HL, and I'm aware I've been playing the game in room-clearing mode - and if you're half-decent at an FPS and/or playing it on nonce-difficulty the excitement can get wasted. If you relax into it though, and trust the Duracells in your torch, you really do feel the atmos, and I can admit to getting the shits up me a few times.
    Love the pointless machinery, the lighting, the hellspawn, the seamless computer integration, and the fx quality too; I don't mind if my 9800 is running 800x600 @ hq because its 2xAA 4xAF anti-aliased and its yummy and I frankly don't notice that it's not a higher res (I tried 1024, but dropped it down).
    Have to ultimately agree with teh Spiney: the tech is imaginative but the script isn't. It isn't as terrifying as AvP, and (mini-spoiler) driving a train around tracks is the most obvious HL-homage I've encountered yet. There appears to be an element of story branching but I can't judge the real effect here? (mini-spoiler) I chose NOT to send the transmission to the fleet from the comms fac, so my Marine boss threw me a line about disobeying orders, but hey, think big picture pal, think of Earth!
    Bring on AVP - and flamethrowers - in this azzkicking DOOM3 engine!

  8. I've been playing it in both choices (transmit and not transmitted) and so far I've noticed no real difference.

  9. I just can't force myself to play it any more. It looks fucking amazing but every room kind of looks the same and I just find the monsters annoying rather than any specific challenge. The spawning stuff behind you thing just kills it for me. Maybe I'll get back to it but I've got to say I don't even feel a sense of satistifaction in blowing demons away with the poncy little weapons. In short, I don't like this game at all. Massive disappointment.

  10. I finished it the other day. I'm feeling quite neutral about it. It's been a great experience and one I'll never forget, but not something I can really get into again. I've tried playing though single player in nightmare mode. It's hard as nails, you're health counts down to 25 and you start with the Soul Cube, I thought it might be enough pull to keep me interested another time round, but no.
    I think I'll wait for some mods. Or HL2, that new coast video looks spiffy.

  11. Okay, let's talk Soulcube. Since when did DOOM³ need a nonsense RPG-esque plot device of a weapon? Jesus wept! Can you imagine this thing in "proper" DOOM? Exactly. Nor can I.
    The nailgun might have been a Quake invention but if there was ever a game that it should be in it's this one. If there was a shipment of chainsaws there must have been a shipment of bloody nailguns. If you're building a poorly-lit Mars research facility how can you get the job done properly without one?

  12. doom 3 fucking sucked.
    the only thing that kept me going through the game was wondering if it would maybe get better after some point. i was sadly mistaken.
    i'm glad i didn't pay for that shit.

  13. You're talking about the game that Eurogamer gave 9/10... I never even got to the 'good' hell bit. It was as much fun as pulling teeth up to that point and I'd got bored of stupid whirring machines with shiny bits that apparently served no discernable purpose. And that was pretty much their one-trick pony.
    I think it's over for id now. When you've seen Source and what genuine game-enhancing stuff is in the engine, you've got to wonder why anyone would end up licensing the Doom 3 engine. Especially since it almost certainly still isn't written in C++ and and still doesn't use DirectX - making it a dire choice for console ports as well.

  14. I finished it, but I really really regret wasting that amount of my life doing so. I wonder if Raven can do anything interesting in Quake 4?...

  15. Doom 3 sucks balls. I can't believe gaming has come down to this. I would much rather play Doom 1 than 3. What happened to going into rooms and blowing away like 20 guys, picking up keys like in the original? Now it's all complex, bloody dark (I get a headache playing the game for too long cuz I'm always squinting and I can't see squat).
    If there was a remake of Doom 1 with better graphics, remade music AKA Ashley Carr's remixes of Doom 1 and Doom 2 midis, I'd be buying it up in a flash. I can't believe people actually think this is Doom! This is more like farcry than anything? But i guess there a lot of young gamers who rely on top quality graphics to play with their fancy Radeons.
    My official doom ratings:
    Doom 1: 10/10Doom 2: 8/10Doom 3: 5/10

  16. Now different games I give you, but have people tried Riddick for PC on a decent system? Not desparately open in terms of physical space compared to the Doom environs. But knocking Dooms cock into a small dicked condom. Jesus christ Id - would it be so unimaginably difficult for you to publish a game which has some sense of non-corridor gaming (and no the frickin hell bits don't count) and also could you take a very serious spanking over just how poor your facial / lip-synch modelling was compared to HL2 (maybe not such a disgraceful competitor) but also against Riddick from the unknowns....

  17. Riddick is a truly great game. Looks great and plays great. It does realtime shadows and lighting to Doom3 standards. Unfortunately it runs at around half the FPS that Doom3 does, even when though I run d3 at 1280x1024 and Riddick is capped at 800x600 (A64 3000+ & Nvidia 6800GT)

  18. the people who have been knocking this game obviously havent played the first two games.... the enemies have spawned behind you since doom 1.. everytime you walk into a room in any soon as you cross the trigger.. walls start droping like flies and stuff comes at you from behind... try the games for yourself you will see.. the developers kept it close to the original style of play.. you get keys (they are called pda's now) you take them to the door... you open the door... then you enter the room
    in my opinion... the only thing that is differnent is the dark

  19. Don't be a moron, we've all played the previous games. This id apologist stuff is hilarious! If you actually open your eyes and take a look at computer games, you'll see that when people make sequels it's normal to advance the genre any way they can. It might be essentially the same game play as the original two but jesus christ, how many years ago were the first two games?
    Besides, you're not even right. The original games played very differently because a) you could SEE the bad guys and b) there were lots of them. So in many respects, Doom 3 has worst game play than its original and ancient forebears. Even if it didn't, it's a simply stupid defence of a game to say "That's all it should have been because that's what the first ones were like". The graphics have moved on, why not the gameplay?

  20. It's slower gameplay than Doom 1 & 2 and not as easy. You're just scared of the fucking dark.

  21. No, I just like games that don't suck.

  22. PDAs are harder to see than keys, especially in the dark environment. This makes the game very boring, as does the lack of any sort of map to search for uninvestigated areas. But gameplay is the real problem.
    First, is that I have to screw with reloading my weapons. I mean c'mon, how fun is that? Why not simulate my digestion so I have to eat and use the restroom too?
    Second is simulating getting tired. I want to turn on something like autorun and not get tired. If I wanted realism like that, I'd go run around the city with toy guns. Basically the gameplay blows because they tried to make it too realistic. Guess what? Real life is boring-- that's why we play games. Turn a game into real life, and there's no point.

  23. i totally agree. PDA's are not keys. they have the same purpose but the feel is completly different. instead of pushing gameplay they pushed new ideas. evolution key becomes pda. id rather have a key because they are simple and you dont have to listen to a stupid story for five minutes that you have to redo if u accidentally fall asleep on you keep bored pressing a button and it restarts. i think what bothered me the most was i bought the game and found out that my computer was good but not good enough. no thats not what bothered me i half expected it. what bothered me was a bought a $300 (canadian) video card and it still wasnt great. people at futureshop say yea get a good card and it wont be as dark they proved it with their computer. i buy one and guees what the darkness was gone. im joking of course i couldnt see my gun. speaking of guns what happened. its like i said they wanted to evolve certain aspects like the weapons. i remember i could run in a room and smoke a ton of guys with a shotgun blast. wats the deal with shooting a demon 4 or 5 times with it before it dies. where did they get the tank armor from? did anyone notice that imps jumped from the ceiling almost as much as they didnt? but than again its hard to tell because of the lack of visibility. well i guess i should be grateful to doom for forcing me to buy a sweet video card cuz now im using it for World of Warcraft and i couldn't be happier. thanks DOOM! lmao

  24. for those of you reading my comments i dont check over wat i type so it makes sense but u have to move words and read it over and over lol sorry. hahaha kinda like doom makes no sense but if u spend hours on it still not much sense is made but u learn a lesson. a lesson like why am i playing this. lol

  25. It's too hard! It's too dark! Why does it have to be so real? PDA's are hard to find! I have to reload constantly! Monsters spawn behind me! Machinery does fuck all! blah, blah, blah....
    You pack of whingers!!
    Why are all these things in the game? It evolved! Unfortunately the same can't be said for the brains of many of you who just "don't get it". For those of you who are still stuck in 1995 when DOOM was first released, go play DOOM! It's obvious your brains can't handle too many choices or handle too much reality and atmosphere. Want a game where all you do is mindlessly pull a trigger while running a straight line? Go play Serious Sam!
    I think I may have come across some of you people in DOOM3. You know... the pale zombies moaning and groaning "NNNNNNNUUUUUNNNG" with their hands out in front, dragging their feet. Maybe the developers knew people like you existed and figured let's make the brainless ones the EASIEST to kill! :)

  26. Jesus what a moron. The criticism of the game isn't that it's not as simple as Doom was, the criticism is that it IS as simple as Doom was. Christ, we atract some grade-A fuckwits.

  27. I disagree that Doom 3 is as simple as the original Doom. The AI in Doom 3 has proven to be quite a challenge. For example, I have come across Imps that fake a throw and make you strafe one way then release their plasma when you least expected it. They also fake a throw then decide to jump you instead. Some monsters often dodge your attacks. All I remember from Doom 1 was every monster was on a suicide mission running right at you as you held the trigger down on the chain-gun. I say if anyone finds Doom 3 as easy as Doom 1 they should go easy on the cheat codes.
    I am fully aware this is a "DOOM 3 SUCKS" topic but I guess having people come in here voting to the contrary highlights how great it is to live in this great democracy of ours.

  28. The key point is that when all this was done on Doom it was revolutionary. The graphics were like nothing else and the gameplay was, even if simple, fairly fresh in its own right.
    Doom 3 isn't that game. Neither is what it has become much to do with the original game. Bugger all monsters versus a load. Pitch black rooms compared to clearly visible rooms etc.
    The key problem with Doom 3 is that it's just a lame game. Monsters spawning behind you EVERY time you pick something up is not scary, it's just irritating. But you're right. We do live in a democracy and so you are free to be as wrong as you wish and no one will execute you on your knees and push your twitching carcass into an open grave.
    Sadly this is the same lax treatment that we gave the game when it came out.

  29. let's face it: the doom3 shotgun sucks ass. it really does. the spread is too big, is just doesn't pack enough punch at the sound is wimpy. i just reinstalled and remembered why i never finished the game

  30. Yes well Lurker here actually had some influence on previous Id shotguns having visited their offices and pasted them around deathmatch telling them it was imbalanced. Was it for Quake III or II - I don't recall? But that didn't happen for the coding of Doom 3.
    So the moral of the story is clear; you don't consult clan Eat Electric Death and you're fucking toast no matter what your reputation.

  31. Having sworn off D3 I' actually now around 1/3 the way though the expansion, Resurrection of Evil. (Appropriately enough released just after easter...:))And I have to say it's actally better than the original game. There's far less monster triggers attached to ammo & heath packs. You get attacked by far more monsters at once now, making it feel more like, well, doom :) The double shotty is back & is much more satasfying than the single of the original game & there's a couple of new toys. The grabber & the artefact. While accusations of ripping off the gravity gun and bullet time do bear some weight, there's just enough id twist applied to make them feel original.All in all, not a bad game for when you just want to "blow shit up". Not worth £25 though. Wait till it's at least £15.Here's the stuff above in action.Edit: Half way through RoE & I'm bored again, just like Dcityallstar below. /me clicks uninstall.

  32. Quake 3. I don't know for a fact it was my visit that had something to do with it getting toned down but it was pretty outrageous when I got in a deathmatch with them and it ended up far less powerful :-)

  33. I really can't understand why a game sucks? Just buy a xbox or ps2 and you will not need to upgrade. I know for some reason or another this is a debate, why I don't know. Pretty soon the big boys in the consule world will be in the computer, so one way or another everything forms that good old perfect circle. No one tells why it sucks. Hell I think Halo 2 on leng is hard.

  34. I have no idea what you're talking about Falco. Can you try it again when you're sober or not german?

  35. Doom3 is the best game ever and I am a fucking retard.

  36. DOOM 3 suck because it just does, the levels are the same the guns suck it lags like a whore and all the staff in the game are ugly cunts.

  37. dude Doom 3 is the like best game like freakin EVER! much better than Halo 2. i got in on Xbox, no lag. if youy dont like this game, dont play games.

  38. Slim your review sucks. and how can you say that doom3 sucks, you problaly cant see anything out of your glasses anyway fucking whorekid. doom3 rocks your mom, and it need to be "fucking dark" how would you like doom3 whit water pistols instead of guns, ballet-dancers instead of monsters, and ultra light blinding rooms? what the fuck do you think you have the flashlight for? and pointless rooms? you are pointless. and i see on your picture that your pretty fat too (i like chubby men). maby you should stop playing computer when you suck at it and go in a sport center instead it looks like you need it. fucking n00b.

  39. haha WakeUpSmellTheCofee
    nice one :D
    yeah its clear that those guys here are fat (did I mention I really like chubby men?),burger eating morons that sits in their armchair all day playing cheater strike. its a shame that they are too stupid for DOOM3, im glad im not one of them, braindead zombies. hahaha :P

  40. I think doom3 just came out on xbox :)

  41. nice edting :Pheheheh

  42. Is this a game or is it an interactive movie? I played Doom 1, Doom 2, Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 and most of the expansion packs for these games. I installed Doom 3 three different times. The first time I got 5 levels into it and was bored to tears. The second time I installed Doom 3 I didn’t even get 5 levels into it before I was bored. The graphics are top quality. It’s deliciously dark. Yeah I jumped a few times at the surprise spawns. Game play is simply >Go into room, see item, grab item, monsters spawn, clear the room, find items in the dark and then on to the next room to do the same damn thing over and over and over and over and over.I’m on my 3rd install of Doom 3 only because I paid close to $50 U.S. and I hate wasting money. I just passed the Hell level and I am bummed because it isn’t over yet. Now I’m back in Delta labs for more of the exact gameplay that was in the first 20 levels. As far as online play!?!?!?! Yes this game reminds me exactly of the first Doom. Back when the only way to play someone was on a LAN. Because not everyone had a high speed connection in their home. Even the character movement appears to be the same. It doesn’t seem like they even considered online gameplay. Seems like online gameplay was only an afterthought. But don’t forget kids Capture The Flag can be purchased in the expansion pack. WTF?!?!?! For me since UT GOTY came out computer/video games haven’t been the same. In my opinion games of this nature are just interactive movies. There’s no real decision making. No real strategy except kill everything and stay healthy. If you look at games like UT GOTY, UT 2k3, UT 2k4, Americas Army, Counter Strike, and games of this genre Doom type “Corridor, key, trigger, monster spawn, kill monsters, find health” games are really just interactive movies. And are out of touch with most all the gamers that I know. Sure if you only have a console system this might be fun. I’m really disappointed in this game. its beautiful without a doubt. But the gameplay is BORING. Kinda like seeing a beautifully frosted cake. And when you get your highly anticipated slice it taste like liver.

  43. P.S. I dont like liver

  44. Hey people i dunno y some of u like doom3 so much. its plane dumb and realy boring. its stupid storyline and graphics ohhf. Riddick has graphics 100 times better than doom3 and the story line is amazing. Riddick is what doom3 should have been.

  45. You're late, you're dull and you're illiterate.
