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Wednesday, 20 July 2005

The north/south divide? [Spiny]

As far as I'm concerned, only girls have baps :)


  1. Err you scroll it guys. Mousewheel, even though there's no scroll bar.

  2. Well, clearly Beej fixed it and it's cool. No doubt we'll get plenty of use from this. Even our first poll tells us something. It tells us that the our web site is more frequented by those which call these popular bakery items 'rolls' which is, as we all know, the dominant term in the South of the United Kingdom.
    One might eroneously decide that this means it is our web site that is frequented by Southerners. Instead, I put it to you, that actually it's because there are less Northerners on the Internet in general. My current theory is that they become frustrated with passwords having having inserted useful Northanderthal phrases such as 'ey oop' and 'way eye' into the text box in an attempt to curry favour with these mystical technological gizmos.
    Having been foiled in such a way, they cancel their new Internet account and set off to steal a hub cap on the way to the pub for a nice pint of beer with a suitable creamy head.

  3. I think it's obvious that the northerners are the fucking daddies around here, and the southern roll eating fucklords better learn their place.

  4. Fixed what Lurk, the poll? It's a ROLL FOLKS A ROLL, never a bap.
    It's a roll OK, baps are cradled in the wonderous piece of modern engineering. The brazire!
    Scotland, home of the roll n sausage.

  5. You fucking cocklord. If a bap is a roll, what is the long thin piece of bread you use to make a hot-dog? That is a fucking roll, and a bap is a fucking bap. Fuckhead.

  6. hot dogs go in buns, not rolls.
    Rolls are circular, so that they can like...roll you know?!
    IoM Food so bad Chiraq was left speechless.

  7. Oh the idiocy. If a roll is a bun, what are the sweet and spicy things that have a cross on and are eaten at lent? Or bread with currents in? A finger roll can fucking roll, a bap has a flat bottom, hows that fucking rolling anywhere you numbskull?

  8. There's been some right fuckin cock h4x0ry here. Earlier today rolls were massively in the lead in a fashion that could be believed in As of tonight *apparently* over 130 people have voted bap.
    Look that's the sum total of every cunt who can use the internet north of watford. And that's not discounting the one's that would hit the keyboard characters twice with their clumpy toes. It's not fuckin likely readers!!!

  9. Just to clear up one point here;
    Slim - what are the sweet and spicy things that have a cross on and are eaten at lent?
    Am - Nuns in chilli sauce


  11. The fuckwittery.A bun is a fucking sweet roll. You daft cunt. And a bap is a fucking bap. The oxford english even backs me the fuck up, and that was written by you Southern shirt lifters. Here's the bap ref and here's where it says a roll is fucking cylidrical

  12. If I was sent down to the bakery with zee orders for zee bread, I would point at the following:BAPS - big soft white rolls. With a dusting of flour on top. I'll take two please.BUNS - as in sticky bun. Because if you'd been asked for fresh bread, you'd have been asked to get...ROLLS - as in "half a dozen white rolls please". If you're running late on a Saturday then the bakery probably only has those rolls that don't actually have any bread inside them. They're just crust. Ack!As for Slim and his fucking cylinders... for fucks sake. If its cylindrical its a baguette or a torpedo or something. Rolls aren't cylindrical. Weirdo.

  13. Owned! Fucking OWNED!And if that was enough Owning, I shall own you some more; look here fucktard; even the outrageously northern chiefs of bread, Hovis agree that a roll is a roll; it say Bap? No. Does it say Bun? No. IT'S A FUCKING ROLL NOT A CIGAR SHAPED PIECE OF BAKERY GRAINBRAIN!!!

  14. 0wned! Of course now he's cheating the poll.

  15. You can always trust a dictionary.bapn : a small loaf or roll of soft bread

  16. Hovis? A fucking gay southie bakery from Windsor? Like I'm going to take any notice of what those fucking shandy swilling fairies have to say.

  17. Ahehehahehahehahehhhooooooooo!!!! The self-0wning continues. "The origins of Hovis are with S. FITTON and SON, Millers, MACCLESFIELD who were supplying one a half pound HOVIS branded loaves to the Royal Family by 1886".
    That's right MACCLESFIELD. Just south of Lewisham, who's workers travelled across the dales of peckham to the dulcet colliery band tunes of the Neasdon colliery brass band.

  18. So, a decent northern bakery which used to produce baps has been taken over by a bunch of poofy southern mincers, brought south and commenced production of gayly named bread products? Yes, you have been owned, havn't you?

  19. Heh, you've run out of argument. You need to do better.

  20. A fine and satisfying victory by the people for the benefit of the people..... ahhhh.....

  21. Escalating this dispute to national authorities, I received the following email today from the British Bakeries Association
    "I will try to help but this is only the view of myself and colleagues. A bap is generally soft and used for burgers, therefore larger than the average roll. Rolls can be soft, as in bridge, finger (used for hot dogs or larger than bridge) and small round, or the round crusty variety and are generally used instead of bread for sandwiches. A bun can be sweet as in chelsea bun or fruit buns. But also can be the name used for burgers too, just to add to the confusion.
    Hope this has been of some use in your present dispute."
    Told by the nice people at the BBA as I call 'em. But there's no dispute. We're all agreed that Slim is a 'lord
