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Wednesday, 18 May 2005

Fave Film [Slim]

Have we done this before? Can't remember. Anyway, here's mine! Someone'll find the old blog and my list will be different, so in advance: I'm a fickle fucker!

Lord of the Rings - Can't help myself here. Read the books age 15, loved them, was amazed that the films actually did the books justice.
Almost Famous - Ace heady band story that captures the feeling perfectly for me. Zooey Deschanel clearly wants me.
Shawshank Redemption - I love steven king, and had a tough choice between this and Green Mile. Shawshank was a fab story brought to life perfectly with an amazing screenplay and some superb acting.
Twelve Monkeys - Love Gilliam films, and really wanted to put Fisher King in here too. And time bandits. Bah. I like this more because it was funny as well as hard hitting. About the only film in which Robin Williams doesn't play himself too, superb.
Brazil - Definately a film that improves with viewings. Wacky and pretentious, but still like it loads.
The Incredibles - I've three nippers, so need films that work on at least two levels. This works on three, ace kids film, fantastic action/bond film and another film that looks at the monotony of life/work/marriage and being normal. Fab film.


  1. Well this is going to lead to an eceltic collection isn't it.
    Empire Strikes Back - More than EP4 I just love this film, got the lot.
    LOTR - Read the books at least 6 times, still prefer the Silmarillion, but the films are just fantastic.
    Blues Brothers - n.b. not BB 2000. Wonderful soundtrack, attitude and cast.
    The Quiet Man - Duke's finest. Great story, stunning visually and just a rollicking good old fashioned film.
    Rocky II - Starts with fight from Rocky 1, deals with character best and has another resouding battle at the end. Great fun.
    Sideways - Only watched it once, but for an American film really handles adult comedy so well. With a proper ending too! Scrapes in my top 5, but may not on repeated viewings.

    n.b These positions are subject to change, films can go up as well as down.

  2. Star Wars (original) Trilogy duh.Alien Mastery of what you don't see scares you.Blues Brothers Ultimate back from pub movie.Indiana Jones Trilogy Ta da da da..da da daaaaBlade Runner The old scifi classicThe Life of Brian I'm Brian and so's my wife!Goldfinger You expect me to talk? No Mr Bond, I expect you to dieeee!Seven *shiver*Starsky & Hutch Waka-Waka-Waka-Waka-WakaAsk me again in a week & It'll be different. PS: Honorable Mention: Dodgeball

  3. Some in no particular order;Some Like It HotAngel HeartThe 'Road MoviesBlues Brothers (not fricking 2)Apocalypse Now Redux (f-uckin-mazin)Carlito's Way (not fucking carluccio's which is a sandwich placeBlade RunnerButch Cassidy and the Sundance KidThe Producers (brilliantly funny)The Maltese FalcolnMidnight ExpressIndiana Jones IStar Wars the First i.e. Ep IV you tedious no neck gitMary PoppinsThe Unforgiven

  4. Listen up punks, here's the definitive. End. Of. Story.GoodfellasPretty In PinkEmpire Strikes BackGodfatherThe Deer HunterBack To The FutureRamboPlatoonGross Pointe BlankPump Up The VolumeThis blog is now closed. Word.

  5. In no real order:Goodfather - best ganster movieGodfellas Once Upon A Time in the WestLoTRShawshank RedemptionGood, Bad and the Ugly - best westernThe Commitments - best 'irish' movie IMHO (beating My Left Foot for me )Full Metal JacketGood Will Hunting - DVD I watch most..must make it my favourite movie then :)ShrekThe Pianist - best movie of last few years by a long way IMHO
