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Friday, 7 June 2002

EEDers who have created new nouns [Lurks]

Some of our bretheren have committed acts so legendary, so (in)famous that their very name has ent new words to the English language. Microsoft (falsely) claim to do it with XBox but now we present the true new Verbs of EED!


  1. First, Doing a 'Shinji'. Shinji, once on a legendary EED road trip to foreign lands, failed to catch a plane on the basis that he didn't have the funds for the tube ticket to the airport to get the (prepaid) plane. In light of the subsequent alcohol consumption the details are shady and extremely dubious. Again on our most recent roadtrip whilst sent on a simple mission to fetch beer in a pointless little country (Belgium) on route, he failed to make it back to the train on time leaving himself stranded in said pointless little country while the rest of us continued happily to Amsterdam. This amazing ability to fail to avail himself of transportation makes Shinji the first one in the EED collection of new Verbs. 'Doing a Shinji' has also been variously (and incorrectly) described as No Show Fagottry. Incorrectly because this implies some sort of deliberate act on the offender rather than a massive display of ineptitude.

  2. The second Verb is to do a Jay. Without wishing to rehash the torrid details of the past, doing a Jay refers to doing something against all possible logic and advice rendered from one's clan mates. This includes but is not limited to free legal advice, matters of earning a living, paying the rent and most recently matters concerning dangerous pastimes to result in almost certain death.

  3. Next up, doing a Beej. In general, doing a 'Beej' is to disapprove of a clan mate having a good time. This may be through engaging in illegal activity or, as is more often the case, some slightly raucus behavior that might result in someone over, say, the age of 85 to get a bit concerned about those rowdy youngsters. One has confirmation that the act is indeed doing a Beej when the forehead crinkles and disapproving tutting noises are made.

  4. I think we need to add Doing A Lurker, which is the act of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story/insult/joke... (Okay, indeed I do suck at this public transport business, but the whole lameness with the plane was because of a tube strike, not lack of tube fare. And let's not talk about the Brussels affair, except to say that when in doubt, I find it safest to blame Beej.)

  5. Shinji lies, pay no attention

  6. Although there is photographic evidence that suggests Lurker has problems navigating pavements, especially on teh Continent

  7. You'll pay for that Muz. You shall pay.

  8. I have teh phear! Slim! Fearless clan leader! Save me!

  9. Like fuck I'm phearless, lurker scares the warm shit out of me

  10. Lest we not forget, there is also 'doing a Beej2' which is to instantaneously fly into a frot of temper expelling words like 'retard', 'mong' and 'loser' in a torettian torent of abuse. Best viewed in RL as per the infamous i8 avi linked below

  11. Oh my god, someone URL link that vid :)

  12. Can I also suggest a new word, 'Podding'. Podding, or to pod, is the act of trying to predict ones clans playing habits for some time in the future. This time being coincidentally equal to the amount of time it takes to download an iso on a 56k modem.

  13. fucking homosexuals, fuck off

  14. ... a tame example of a beej2
