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Tuesday, 5 April 2005

Ipod shuffle review [Slim]

Bloke's 30th birthday here today so we had a collection and got 70 quid. He's always stealing me mp3's so I bought him an Ipod shuffle with it. Was just copying some choons to it now.
As with the biggerer ipods, its got a lot of 'ooh' about it, which is quite an achievement given it does pretty much fuck all. Its very nicely packaged, with stuff like a neck strap, nice white headies, apple stickers, shit like that.
Get it out and you realise just how tiny it is. Most impressive is how thin it is, it's literally no higher than a usb port, just a few mm thick and weighs absolutely fuck all. The slide button on the back for power, play and shuffle modes isn't quite as glossy as the rest of the ipod, but it's not grooved or anything, makes sliding it a bit faffy, but other than that, it works fine. Controls on the front (only five, play, next, back and vol up down) also work fine, and feel nice and solid. Sound qualities fine, although I used me sony headies rather than mucking up the recipients nice new ones with me ear spuds.
Synching is easy as piss. You can use itunes, or i just downloaded an app that shows it up in explorer and you drag the files accross. You can't use the music space as storage space, you have to seperate that up sadly. Just plug it in a usb port and it's charging too.
I'd probably miss the screen if I had one, although it might work well as a 2nd player to a grown up one for taking out on me bike or going fishing. I do like solid state gadgets a lot, always weary of hard disks in mobiles that might get a but of bumpin. I'd like it to be a bit cheaper for that though given there are same size players with screens for almost half the price.
Still, makes a nice gift. Everyone who's seen it has gone 'ooh', which is kind of what ipods are all about.


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