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Saturday, 29 November 2003

Christmas Party only 2 weeks away.. [vagga]

Christmas Party is only 2 weeks away..
I need to make a booking today, or at worst as soon as possible. So we need a deffinate show of hands. So right now we have 9 people. We have..
ME! Teeth, Shinji, Lurks, Brit, Spiro, Pod, Dave, Am
Anyone else coming? Jay? Beej? Skeeve? Mugs?
Remember we were talking about Chinatown on the evening of Friday the 12th of December.
Come on you slack fuckers, sort it out!


  1. right, Skeeve and jay confirmed. That makes 11.
    What about the rest of you! get your ass in gear!

  2. I'd book a dozen. At least two wankers wont show up and two slack arses will go 'oo ooo I want to come!' at the last minute.

  3. I should be there :)

  4. fuck it so, I'll book for lucky 13 :)
