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Tuesday, 18 November 2003

i18 Highlights [spiny]

I'm sure someone will do a proper blog on this but here are some of the highlights of the weekend for me:
Personal Gaming Moments: Liberating an A10 from the Zionist Americans and taking down an enemy Jet. Learning how to vaguely steer a helicopter & performing parachute base assaults with Muz.
Comedy moment: Disbelieving laughter as Pod was welchia infected in 4 nanno seconds through not having any anti virus protection or having run windows update.
Eh? moment: Jay turning up with hardly and CDs for the games we posted on the ml.
Stomach knotting moment: Me getting 'Can't find NTLDR' on first boot. (Ended up booting of RAID instead. Sunday night investigation revealed that the problem was caused by a piece of fluff on the cable select jumper for my CDRW) Time to vaccum out the PC :)
Social Moment: The chineese meal on Saturday - good call Hou.
Yeuck moment: Chineese flavoured burps in a sleeping bag through the early hours of Sunday morning.
Escuse the lack of formatting, I'm still in the post jolt cola crash...zzzzzz.


  1. Suffering big time today!
    Highlight - Really enjoyed the RS games - first time for me on that game.
    Missed - Lurks was rather quiet on the hurling insults front - you know, those moments that occur when you walk thru the door and get shot when it's 'f*&cking, bl*&%ing obvious' there would be the enemy waiting. Or was I too far away to hear, cos with my game playing skillz I usually deserve a few ;)
    We always seem to enjoy these lan parties and should try and get at least 2 each year. Should also try and get just a few extra bods attending to get 5v5 sides (a few extra bods WITH games that is!).
    Nice to meet you all again. Houlan is on my must do list for next year.
    As an aside, mentioned the possibility of doing one at my house next spring and my wife started to negate any issus with the power supply - I took that as a possible/ok if we could get the right sort of numbers to attend?

  2. I'm gonna do a blog about i18 later. It was good, I'm glad I went. This time we did a LOT of gaming. However I'm really unconvinced of going to an i-series again in like of how much better an experience we can do by either A) doing it ourselves or B) going to a smaller LAN.
    Losing my jacket, house keys, laser pointer (SECOND ONE LOST!) and having my 15' TFT damaged kinda put a downer on proceedings really. However I walked away with a taste for 1942 and Desert Combat. Even bought a joystick on the spot.
    Highlight for me was actually piling into a travelodge at 3AM Sunday morning and climbing into a proper bed. This following the truly hideous night's 'sleep' I got from the pavillion sleeping area.

  3. I can see your point about doing it ourselves. Over the 3 days the only game we played that wasn't purely between the EED lot was DC.
    If we did a lan with a net connect it'd be eaxctly the same and we wouldn't have all the bad things that an i-series brings like cost, kids, sharing rules etc.

  4. Exactly. And if we want to play others, you could hit out over a broadband connection anyway. In reality, I don't think you'd bother much. We'd probably do a lot more drinking and socialising like at the Houlan. To be frank I prefer that over three days of playing games anyway.Same as most people, hence all the social events going on at the i-series gigs. Thing is, I'd rather booze with my mates than a bunch of spotty oiks - even if we do have multiplayer games in common.

  5. I get back and lo and behold, Quake 3 works just fine, despite Multiplay accusations of a non-legit key.
    I'm all confused why Multiplay had this weird mix of LAN and Internet servers, that was plain confusing. There was no team or clan ethos at i18, and I don't mean EED I mean all over. What is the core event to these things, the bloody boatrace? Snore! It's almost as though they focus on the social aspect to lure in the underage so they can sleep away from home and drink pissy lager. Not enough fun tourneys, let alone serious ones!

  6. The lack of tourneys was defo the major downer imo. I would have been up for a Rs, halo or cod tourney but instead the tourney focus was again on the major games such as CS(boring), 1942(not enuff players) and ut2003(spam-tastic) :(.

  7. so when is the next meet?

  8. As soon as someone volunteers a decent sized house for a weekend.

  9. Dunno, but wherever it is I'm not getting in your car again unless I want to spend the rest of my life as a cripple.

  10. Lurks how did you lose all that gear ffs!
    I agree with everything thats been said here and obviously I organise my own LAN party BUT take it from me - its a damn sight easier to go along to a organised event like i18 than organising our own - and whats to stop us organising more social activities next time?
    I really enjoyed it and I think we should go to more even if we do organise home ones as well - oh and great to meet the peeps I hadnt met before btw - sorry about my cheese Mistral!
    Anyway next one is 12th March 2004 - anyone up for it?

  11. I liked it but, sorry no. Too expensive. Wasn't even sat near half my mates, that seating was fucking arse. The pain with sharing shit on the networks, locking down machines for viruses and a bunch of other small niggles just make the i-series stuff seem like too much hassle to me.
    Maybe I'll change my mind in time but really I'm far more inclined to put effect into helping someone run a small LAN.

  12. Happy to provide a venue for a LAN at my house (village near Marlborough/Swindon). We have 35+ people (adults/kids) at our New Years eve party each year and they all kip in the house or at the pub across the road. Cosy but fun.
    Certainly seat 10-15 in our family room and have other rooms next to it that could be used.
    No broadband tho :(
    I'm sure it's not quite up to the Houlan location but it's an option.
    Would need to guarentee that we can get enough bods to attend to make it worthwhile. Would want help to setup/run/tidy ie I offer the venue/space, everyone partakes in making it a good event
    Would also want to avoid the puke over kids bedroom carpets etc type problems ;)

  13. I don't think they'd be a problem with the numbers. We would need some additional help to sort the bits though - I'm happy to deal with the networking and shit. Someone needs to sort rental of tables. The usual transport stuff. If Houlan was any indication, you wont have problems with stuff getting broke or getting everyone to muck in and help tidy up at the end.
    I don't think lack of a broadband is a huge problem. Kinda shags 1942/DC unless you really get 12 people on the server minimum. Probably just need to discuss it with the big no show fucks like Shinji, Slim, Brit and Am. If they're willing to turn up, we're off to a start.
