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Monday, 17 February 2003

Web server upgraded [lurks]

You might notice is just a tinsy bit faster to put it mildly. Apparently Slim got the bottle to upgrade the Linux kernel and obviously replace something that was stinky. All this is ace but unfortunately the web blog comment stuff is broken, as indeed is all Dodgy Brit Technology at the moment :)
I guess we'll fix it at some point. In the mean time, use the comment facility by e-mail.


  1. If you want a domain hosting, mail me at I got php, mysql, squirrelmail and all sorts of hot leet shit!

  2. Just been on a .NET course. Jumping Jehovas I can't believe (old) ASP isso shit. I'm really glad I didn't spend the time to learn it. ASP.NET isthe way forward. It allows proper programming and will 0wn0r all linuxfags. Having said that I'm specialising in C# :)
