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Thursday, 8 January 2004

Black Listed Airlines - the UK publishes! [brit]

Choice. Everything these days is about choice.
As millions of Britons pack their bags this summer and jet off for sunnier climbs, they are doing so having made a choice as to the carrier and route they want to take. Well, up until today, kind of.
You see dear reader, we live in a world where any two bit government can slap a sticker on an ailing DC10 and call it a national airline. Unsurprisingly, bits tend to go awry with these veteran airframes, to the point where they kill lots of people all in one go.
So Aviation Authorities ban them from the relevant national airspace. Up until now, this black list of evil plane operators has been, incredibly, secret. You book a flight on a carrier and you expect to be given the choice of an approved one, or one which dropped half it's undercarriage on takeoff before winging it over to some el-dodge airplot before spewing fuel everywhere.
Anyway, the list of operators banned by the UK are: All airlines operating from Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Liberia and Tajikistan. The others on the blacklist are Sierra Leone's Star Air and Air Universal, Cameroon Airlines, Albanian Airlines and Central Air Express, from DR Congo (Source: BBC News Online)
Hardly any major surprises in the list eh? '2 tickets on Air Tajikistan' can't be something heard very often :)


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