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Wednesday, 2 June 2004

Adults no longer allowed to see hard willies shocker [slim]

Just as people started flocking to subscribe to view the new genuinely hardcore material, it's been pulled. The Adult Channel and Playboy TV are back to regular boring old softcore. There's outrage naturally, people put up with it before, but now they've had a taste for what could be on our Tellys and had it turn from under our salivating chins, its made the fustration even worse.
A post on digitalspy forums claiming to be a reply from a 'why oh fucking why' post to offcom goes like this:
Thank you for contacting us about this subject. I doubt that anything I say will alter your opinion that 'hardcore' material should be allowed on Ofcom licensed adult services. But I hope that I can at least demonstrate that our policy is a considered one that seeks to balance the various interests.
Adult services have been allowed on cable and satellite services for a decade now. They include programming more explicit than would be allowed on free-to-air or basic package channels. Much of the programming is cut down hardcore. Our research indicates, however, that public opinion does not favour a move to wholly explicit programming of the sort now available in 'R18'-rated videos. These videos are available only in licensed sex shops, and the broadcasters have to respect the law on this matter.
So a balance is struck between the legitimate wishes of adults to see sex programming and concerns over child protection. Broadcasting is not obviously suited to providing material otherwise available only in a hundred or so specialist shops where access by children can be easily policed. Even where encryption and other security measures can be applied, the wide distribution of the most explicit material must be a significant issue.

Their justification, child protection. Why would any children be watching hardcor content shown on a subscription only, password protected encrypted channel broadcasting after midnight?
Meanwhile of course, you can see people getting their heads blown off on any channel at any time after 10pm.
Fucking hate this country sometimes..


  1. Blimey.. what with your own willy playing up, this could really mean you'll never see a hard one again! (If it wasn't for all those late nights spent knelt down in some dodgy IoMong back ally that is...)
    Honestly tho, did you expect anything else to happen on this subject? If you want porn, buy it from shops or download it, its not as though its hard to find high quality dvd rips on the internet if you're so inclined.
    Not even sure if some of these premium porn channels would want full on hard core action on the TV.. the people involved must be making a fuckload of money from vhs and dvd sales still?
    Surely if it was available so easily, it would cut into that profit area?

  2. Firstly, the content they show is the hardcore stuff in the main, with the closeups taken out. So it's not a cost/market issue. Adult channels don't sell dvd's.
    Next, I'd rather pay for this stuff legit than steal it, call me old fashioned.
    Finally, I'd rather have regular programmed TV style shit than have to spend hours downloading something only to find its shit. I like to be able to watch some porn rather than have to plan it in advance, that ok?
    And on this subject, check the guidelines in other countries for distance selling pron:
    'DVD orders CAN NOT ship to: GREAT BRITAIN, Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Korea or Afghanistan'
    Doesn't that make you feel fucking proud eh?
    So...anyone know how to pick up a hotbird transmission? :)

  3. Easy. You can even do it with a card in a PC. You need a dish pointing at a different part of the sky though.

  4. Oi hardcoredvd! Twat! What a tool....
