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Friday 25 April 2003

Jessops Print@net: 10 free digicam pix [beej]

Some of you have tried getting digicam images printed before and have not been met with much success. Well, this may have changed as I've just tested out Jessops Print net and they've certainly come up with the goods on my first try of the service.
Print@net is essentially an online service but installed locally in a surprisingly usable application. It has a shopping basket where you choose the product(s) with prices, eg. 6x4' glossy prints (34p) 7x5' (@50p each) baseball caps (10gbp) and so on.
Your chosen photos are verified for quality and resolution, will show you a summary with thumbnails, and then you submit the whole damn shebang securely to their site with your Visa details. It's got editing stuff in there too but I can't see EED using those over PSP or PS.
There's currently a 10 free prints offer (no hidden P&P or nothing!), and they turned up in the post a couple of days later. The prints seem fine, good quality paper, and my experience so far? Top work Jessops fellas!


  1. Smart. Do they do rugby shirts? :)

  2. I've used this service a couple of times and paid for it, and it seems VERY good - the prints were excellent.
    The software is a bit clunky and slow but works, and as Beej said anyone technical will edit their JPEGs in PS or similar before sending.
    Thoroughly reccomended.

  3. Is this the same Pixology software they all use? Boots, dabsexpose etc?I used the dabs online one and got some nice prints and a mug with an ace pic on. Have you tried sending hardcard pr0n to see if they print it as part of the 10 free prints?

  4. I've used Dabs Expose and they sux0r. Full stop. Compression levelsusually only seen inside the privacy of Jay Adair's head when offeredtwo envelopes, one marked 'bike' and the other marked 'different bike'.Oh and paper so bad I thought I'd picked up a copy of PC Zone. 'Rse!

  5. No, jessops don't use pixology, but I think it is the same as boots, which isn't pixology either :)

  6. Heh, don't get ripped off by the on line printing services. Make a CD with 40 jpegs on & take it to Jessops. You can collect them the next day and they're only 15p a shot. Quality is excelent.

  7. Spiny, that is what the Internet is for. When you have it, you will understand. :)

  8. Spiny, it's the same thing. When you bring the cd in, they just use a station with that software on it. It's cheaper on teh interweb too as beej pointed out, and it doesn't cost you a cd.

  9. Not so sweatsock breath. When you send it in over the web -particularly on dabs expose the net software uses some sort compressionto shrink the size of your files really quite aggressively - factor of 3or something. When you take your cd in it just prints it from the fullsize exif / jpeg / whatever. I had 100 photos done on expose and then100 on CD at boots - the first are nasty, dull and pixelated notably bythe compression, the latter are much better.
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  10. What a thoroughly sucky worth-nowt email signature :)

  11. Bleh, I put in anti-Am code. It worked once but it didn't work this time, nfi why.

  12. I'll give Jessops a try after your glowing review but I've always used and found their service and quality excellent.
    One little tip on Jessops though - they do a price match promise (including internet prices)which they dont really advertise. I got my Camcorder for £600 instead of £850 after taking a print out of web page in with me!

  13. Yes, it is Pixology software which is the dog's doo dahs and allows you to prepare the order offline, quite good if you are putting an album together. also the service and general cost effectiveness is far better than Photobox and this is actually Fuji's own lab, so printed on Frontiers using Fuji chemicals on Fuji paper, great service

  14. Yes, it is Pixology software which is the dog's doo dahs and allows you to prepare the order offline, quite good if you are putting an album together. also the service and general cost effectiveness is far better than Photobox and this is actually Fuji's own lab, so printed on Frontiers using Fuji chemicals on Fuji paper, great service
