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Tuesday, 29 April 2003

Map pack for Raven Shield released! [lurks]

Wooo! New maps! New maps for Raven Shield! Raven Shield Platoon had a competition for maps and these are the winners and damn good they are too. Of course, none of them support terrorist hunt so it's off to PvP we go! Slim and I had a kick around on them and golly gosh, they sure are sweet!
So for a limited time only, I've taken the password off the server and we're playing team survival on these maps. Of course, you're going to need the map pack which you can get from Fileplanet (bleugh!) on that link or you can grab it from this server. It's 50MB and it rocks!
Server settings clearly wont be optimal for PvP so let me know what needs to be changed. We can remove weapons and things but I'm unsure if that will be necessary. Seems that your armour is up in PvP, it took two Barrett .50 cal hits to kill (!) but headshots still seem instantaneous so it's pretty much like CS in that respect.
There's fears the game is campy and snipey but with the thermal scopes and the heartbeat sensors, I'm not sure how much of a problem it is to being a good game or not. One way to find out, saddle up bitches and come get some!
As usual, IPs for RS server and TS server are in the topic of #eed.


  1. I find it quite balanced. It's a bit of a shit if everyones trying to sit and snipe, as it gets quite slow, but what the fuck, RS isn't quake right? Wonder if any other modes are supported? The multiplayer hostage missions are a bit easier with lower numbers, as there's the focus of the hostages to stop people running around randomly.

  2. Let's rotate through the game modes over the next few days and try them out. The round time out figure is fairly low so hopefully no uber camping.Oh, the pack is made up of 17 maps. One winner, one second place, three runners up and three 'honorable mentions'. The other nine are other popular maps including the author fixed version of Presidio (for TDM).

  3. Erm, file exceeded's disk space quota, so the upload failed :)
    I've just expanded the quota and set it off again, but it won't be up for a little while...

  4. Initial run around on the maps. Absolutely superb. It's like CS only there's loads and loads of detail and proper moody lighting. It's a right bastard trying to see people. You do have to adopt a kind of gung-ho attitude though or you'd shit yourself and camp all day because when you die, you're lucky if see where it came from.
    Since the maps are so much more complex than CS, it wont just be a case of knowing all the possible places you can get killed from. At least, not for awhile. Goddamn the maps are sweet though!

  5. What I like is that there are maps coming out tailored to each type of game. Nice diddy maps for survival/team survival. Big fuckoff ones for team dm/hostage rescue and bombing missions. I'd like to see how tough it is to add t-hunt to some of these too, can't be that tough eh?

  6. Downloading now, 1:38 left @7.4k/s...
    Anyone seen any suer made sp missions yet?

  7. Well, we tried them out. They're superb maps, fantastic. Unfortunately the whole PvP thing didn't go down very well. Well, with those that bothered to show up anyway. It was boring and the game is indeed pretty much just a camping snipefest.
    Unfortunately none of the maps in the back are enabled for T-Hunt co-op. IE the maps have no T spawn points specified. Some of them show up as being T-Hunt compatible but they aren't, they just crash the server.
    So we just went back to T-Hunt on the regular old maps. So, the bottom line is that if this game is no good in PvP multiplayer then it's probably not got much of a shelf-life. Shame.

  8. Shame really, as it would be nice to have T-hunt on a couple of the new maps. Maybe we should try PvP again when we are more than 3-4 players tho, and drop that stinking Underground map.

  9. I have to say, RS's new maps are really quite good; the fact that they don't support terrorist spawn points is astonishingly lame.
    But it does prove, to me at least, that it (RS) isn't a PVP game; it's a human co-op versus AI bot game all the way - that seems to be where the fun and indeed skill lies.
    RS PVP is poor man's CS, and that's quite simply not good karma.

  10. Thre's nowt wrong with Human Co-op vs. AI - this was the strikingly unique feature of AvP and was what we also had great enjoyment from in SOAF. One problem for those two titles though was longevity; I don't think we need to give up on RS any time soon!

  11. My arse. You're saying this based on a couple of rounds of team survivor with four players? Like I said, you need to pick the right maps for the right gametype. The hostage rescue maps don't have the snipey campy problem, as one team HAS to come and get the H's and the other team HAS to defend them, same with the bombing missions. There's no lame cash like CS, it doesn't look like shit like CS and it's a lot of fun. Survival and DM needs smaller maps to avoid the 'shot out of nowhere' shit, but it's never going to be a runny roundy shooty game, if you want that: play quake. Try dm or survival on the chemical bunker. Learn how to play, to use your heartbeat sensor and heartbeat blocker, use your head. It's a top pvp game. Anyway, if it's a big deal, it doesn't actually look that difficult to add T spawns to those maps in unrealed anyway. Get on with it :)

  12. It's probably not as bad as it seems but it's just a whole lot less funthan being on Teamspeak with your mates all up against the puter. So inthe limited time I have available for gaming, gimme the most funpossible. Sure it'll get samey but co-op makes me laugh loads andthat's pretty darn fine added value on top of a tip top fps. Oh and Iclaim my tenner for thehundredth-time-slim-has-said-it's-not-quake-about-a-game challenge.....

  13. What's the fucking difference? I just don't get he mind set, you're happy to do all the patient shit on pve, crawl on your bellies, use heartbeat, use flash's, use gas, use sneaky tactics. But as soon as its pve you all start running around like fucking loonies trying to cap each other quake style. Why not just play it the fucking same? Or with even more care becuase you're up against people with brains. Chatting with your mates is valid, but you can still fucking do that in pvp, and it's even more fun giving people shit once you've capped their sorry arses. Otherwise you can set up two channels, one for each team.
    And don't give me fucking limited gaming time fagnuts, you were playing before I started last night, and you were still playing when I left (with my dick in my wifes hand)!

  14. I wouldn't dismiss it too early. 1942 was shite when it came out, mostly due to TKing tossers fighting over vehicles. There's a lot more teamwork & a lot less fucktadary now. I'm sure the same will happen with RS.

  15. If only Slim could own as much in Raven Shield. :)

  16. Slim has a potty mouth! Slim has a potty mouth!
    Actually the main difference for me is that I really like the number ofencounters you get in a concentrated time span - towards 30 - either asa player or watching. It's much less fun skulking around and watchingpeople chase shadows in pvp in MY humble opinion.
    Personally I think Slim's annoyed because I owned him hard at Quake 3only about 3 months after having played my first fps of any kindwhatsoever. The only greater bl33ting ever heard is when I lobbed twogrenades straight down Billox's mouth on Q3DM13....

  17. There's a new map out with Terrorist hunt, Coop Terrorist hunt and Coop Mission games! Grab it here (it's a FilePlanet link, so if someone could up it to it'd be nice).

  18. I'm with Am on this. When I want a rampant game of whoring, I still play Q3A3w, which is near-perfect CTF. The teamplay aspect of co-op, with a bit of real-time voice piss-taking, the usual EED TKing etc, is just a more enjoyable concentrated buddy-buddy experience :-)

  19. And how much RS PvP have you played then?

  20. Gotta say i'm with slim on this. Just cause you play against fellow clanies dosent mean it has to turn into a 20sec round. I was on last night with Lotta, Lurks, that dick Zimma and some other dude and long after i was dead lotta was still sneaking about with Lurks and dick looking for him. It was a really good game.Its stupid but when ever you do sit down in a good spot and scope for a bit, the only reason you move is because you can alomost hear the sulking and nasty names of being a camper heh. The fact that you have heart beat monitors makes it evens against the snipers and sneakers i reckon.Play the game as you play it co op style, no reason to change!

  21. i need the new tibia 7.4 i dont now Downloading in what pag Downloading the tibia 7.4?

  22. Clearly your first language is not english which is of course fine but I'm afraid you make no fucking sense whatsoever. Try babelfish.

  23. Some folk once compared playing Co-Op online rather than deathmatch to gay sex.
    Is VenusXL at all involved in this ? :-)
    (all that said RS:Roguespear, was alot more fun in co-op than jumping on a server with real folks to kill, probably due to the afforementioned ease of dying).
