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Sunday, 8 June 2003

Its a mad mad TFT world..... [houmous]

I've always been deeply suspicious of TFTs and gaming, mainly because I bought one of the early 15inch ones for a PC elsewhere in the house and it ghosted something awful.
Anyway having slowly been persuaded by a growing number of mates who have moved to TFTs, mainly the 17inch version of the 19inch Samsung Xiod I bought ( I got bigger dick syndrome problem ) - I eventually succumbed - and it arrived yesterday to replace my trusty 19inch Sony triniton CRT flat screen, which has been stretching my arms nicely lugging it up hotel stairs at numerous LAN parties over the years.
Whats it like? It looks beautiful - heres a piccy and heres another piccy - and the quality and depth of colour is great on still pictures - much better than my Triniton without a doubt. The aceeeeid test though is games. Well its different, its crisp and clean but you know that you are looking at images produced by a different technology - after playing around all evening I definitely like it - but if you are thinking of getting one I would definitely try out one first because I dont think its going to be to everyones taste. Oh and although they go one about setting it at 60hz I set it at 75hz and it seems fine.
Now I've learnt my first bit of HTML so I can do links (thanks Brit) heres a couple of piccies from Dublin the other weekend for your amusement as in me being weird (plus you get to see the infamous camera) and me and Di being very pissed Hehe.


  1. Hehe, only a couple of hours before you posted this I put code in so you don't have to insert HTML to do links - you just put in URLs and it automatically hyperlinks them. :)

  2. Rocking screen, your setup looks pretty nice, I like the white desk, need to get something proper sorted like that here. Damn bike sucks up all my disposable (I'm not complaining though).Really good pictures as well from the cam, nice job!

  3. Does any real human being have a desk that tidy?

  4. Xiod is the OEM brand of Samsung BTW. One thing to point out with LCDs is that refresh times are coming down a lot at the moment. from highs of 35ms, you can now get 15ms, which helps out from the blurring aspect in games for example. There is a new screen technology coming out for LCDs called Clear Black LCD, you'll see it on notebooks first, but it makes LCD Screens look like the new iPaq TFT screens, transflective so it looks great whatever the light condition.

  5. Houmous, why does your den look like a set out of Blakes 7?! *scary* :)

  6. I reckon his budget is higher ;) I also demand to know where I can get one of those dinky keyboards.

  7. Mmmm...some interest in my den so heres a bigger piccy The desks arejust cheapo Habitat ones with matching drawers on wheels ( I like stuffon wheels ). I was chuffed with the chair which I found at Ikea -because I normally hate stuff from Ikea hehe.The little keyboard is this one I like it but apart from being stupid,leaning to the left to type into irc and having tiny keyboard is thereason for my occasional typos! They are definitely a nice bit of kitthough.

  8. I will say this, your set up definately looks like it belongs to a man that knows his male facial care products. On the other hand this is a a proper lair. :)

  9. Monitor looks cool Humous. I'm definitely going TFT on my next splashout* because CRTs are just ridiculous at large sizes and my bedroom isn't big. And TFTs are just coolness. So long as it doesn't affect my leet skillz. I mean, look at the TFT gamers in the clan - can they match my raw skills? NO! Draw your own conclusions! ;)
    (*) Slipping rapidly later and later since I decided to buy a car, ho hum!

  10. That desk is all wrong past the leet gear resting on it. Are you both incredibly tidy people or is there some ass whipping going on??

  11. There are two possibilities to explain that den, you are either trying to sell the house and have been forced to hide all signs of life or its actually the set of a drama set in the late 80s or early 90s because it is blatabtly not a real place.

  12. God! I know what its like to be fat now! I'm being discriminated against because I'm a minimalist! :)

  13. That's a proper lair!

  14. I'm not sure which lair looks more like its out of 'Silence of the Lambs'..Lurks or fact, wait, isnt that the edge of a pit in the corner of that photo? And what's that large box of moisturising lotion doing there? hehe....

  15. Props for the nice attic slope but it's definately not messy enough.
